Hexagram 60 — Chieh, Limitation

60. Chieh - Limitation
Above (in front): K'an - The Abysmal (Water)
Below (behind): Tui - The Joyous (Lake)

The Judgement for the Current Situation

Limitation. Success.
Galling limitation must not be persevered in.

The Image for the Current Situation

Water over Lake: the image of Limitation.
Thus the superior man
Creates numbers and measure,
And examines the nature of virtue and correct conduct.

The Lines

Please remember: I Ching lines are counted upwards (starting at the bottom line)!

Top line:

Galling limitation.
Perseverance brings misfortune.
Remorse disappears.

Fifth line:
Sweet limitation brings good fortune.
Going brings esteem.

Fourth line:
Contented limitation. Success.

Third line:
He who knows no limitation
Will have cause to lament.
No blame.

Second line:
Not going out of the gate and the courtyard
Brings misfortune.

Bottom line:
Not going out of the door and the courtyard
Is without blame.